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Creating from Desire and Inspiration

  • We believe people can create from a place of genuine inspiration AND prosper.

  • We believe the world will be made better if people’s needs and desires are listened to and honored.


Creating from Self-Love

  • Our aim is to change the norm from creating from a place of brokenness and self-abandonment to creating from a place of wholeness, self-love, self-friendship, and self-care.

  • Our aim is to bring an end to the glorification of self-sacrifice and usher in an era of self-love through grounded, tangible practices.

  • A central question of our company:

    • “If your aim is to liberate people, why do you imprison yourself?”


Creating in Community

  • We believe people NEED to be with each other in person. And that the most profound and impactful transformation happens in the presence of a physical community.

  • We believe creativity in community is the foundation for health and happiness.


Prioritizing movement and embodiment

  • We believe in breaking the chains between man and computer and providing opportunities to generate value through presence and movement. We believe our presence/essence is the main source of our richness.

  • We believe in embodied knowledge. We live what we teach and what we desire.

  • We believe in prioritizing the body’s wisdom and that dynamic movement inspires creative thinking/innovation.


Our “whole life” is our work

  • We believe the home space is an expression of the soul. And by clarifying the home, we clarify our desires and intentions.

  • We believe in prioritizing emotional intelligence and self-awareness.

  • We believe work life and home life are not separate, but inevitably influence each other. We see our life’s work as a “whole life” endeavor. And our mission is to give people the tools and support to create a life they consider a masterpiece.

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