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The Big Dream

To purchase a home that serves as a community center for our tribe. A space devoted to supporting people in realizing their creative genius so we can have a colorful community of dynamic gift-giving.  


Step through the door of our home.
Experience the sensuality of gratitude.

Welcome the wub of your surging creative power.

Be refreshed by the sunlight reflecting on the wood floors and the air flowing through the open windows. 

Be transformed by candle lit evenings in the winter, churned and calmed by the voice of an Oracle singing the forgotten emotions of your soul in the company of a circle of loving witnesses. 

Feel the paintbrush against the canvas, pouring out pleasures and resentments, calling forth hidden desires, allowing you to see how each relationship in your life is a work of art, even if it’s ugly. 

Step into the lush backyard, breathe the trees, hear the fountain, taste the silent wisdom of a cup of tea, feel your feet against the soil, tell your story around the smokeless fire pit to familiar faces.

Gather around the sturdy dinner table to meet the right people and the right words to fan the flames of your inner fire.

“It never felt so good to die and be reborn to my true identity: a web of warm relationships.” 

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